The Crown of Embers Girl of Fire and Thorns Rae Carson Books

The Crown of Embers Girl of Fire and Thorns Rae Carson Books
A fitting sequel to A Girl of Fire and Thorns I don't think it did better then its predecessor but it did on par. I think my biggest thing with this series for me is going to be that I am personally biased when it comes to the plot of the series and how it revolves around GOD. I know it is not fair to the series. I am highly intrigued with the story and everything; I read it very fast and it holds my attention.The Plot in this one was faster pace and the stakes seem to have been raised. However as with the last book I think the third act of these books are heavily rushed. All of a sudden your expecting this big blow out or payoff to happen and nothing ever really comes of it. For example the ending of this book was so rushed that I never felt any real impact from the outcome.
Characters are another pro/con for me. Some characters are likeable and fleshed out and other characters are just blah. Elisa to me is the only one who is completely fleshed out. Obviously there is a reason for that, but I want to care more about the other characters. In book 2 we learn a little more about Mara and Hector but still nothing groundbreaking. Ximena is still as mysterious as ever. I want to see more character growth in the last book from other characters besides Elisa.
Lastly I want to talk about world building. Now world building is one of my favorite aspects in books. I love the feeling of getting completely immersed in new worlds because it is a total escape from reality. I want a little more from the world. I feel like all we've seen is desert and more desert.
I am ready to see how this all wraps up in book 3.

Tags : The Crown of Embers (Girl of Fire and Thorns) (9780062026514): Rae Carson: Books,Rae Carson,The Crown of Embers (Girl of Fire and Thorns),Greenwillow Books,0062026518,Fantasy - General,Romance - General,Royalty,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic,JUVENILE FICTION General,JUVENILE FICTION Royalty,Kings and rulers,Kings, queens, rulers, etc,Kings, queens, rulers, etc.;Fiction.,Love,Love stories,Magic,Magic;Fiction.,Prophecies,Prophecies;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & Magic,Fiction,Fiction-Fantasy,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Kings, queens, rulers, etc.,Monograph Series, any,Royalty (kings queens princes princesses knights etc.),Science fiction (Children's Teenage),TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Girls & Women,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Royalty,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance,Young Adult FictionFantasy - General,Young Adult FictionRoyalty,Fantasy & Magic,Royalty (kings queens princes princesses knights etc.),YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Girls & Women,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Royalty,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance,Young Adult FictionFantasy - General,Young Adult FictionRoyalty,Fiction,Kings, queens, rulers, etc.,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Science fiction (Children's Teenage)
The Crown of Embers Girl of Fire and Thorns Rae Carson Books Reviews
I started reading The Crown of Embers right after I read The Girl of Fire and Thorns. I usually try to avoid reading books in a series back to back because I can become bored with the story or annoyed by the characters. That so wasn’t the case with The Crown of Embers. I was on a high after reading The Girl of Fire and Thorns and that high continued to roll all the way through The Crown of Embers.
I felt like this book was much more action packed than the previous book. We already know the world and we have met most of the players in the first book so there wasn’t huge amount of setting discovery in The Crown of Embers. This allowed Rae to start this book with a punch and deliver a knockout (I have no idea where the boxing metaphor came from but I decided to run with it).
The Girl of Fire and Thorns was very much about Elisa and her journey to discover her inner strength. In The Crown of Embers we get to see more of what’s really happening in her world. Elisa now has to deal with the politics of ruling her country, and has to learn how to shoulder the responsibility of being in control of so many lives. She also learns how to overcome heartbreak and start to love again. Which brings me to Hector.
Hector might be one of my favorite male leads in a long time. He is so strong and good, and while he doesn’t say a lot, when he does talk it speaks volumes. His loyalty and love for Elisa is so pure and sweet. I love reading their scenes together and getting to experience their interactions. I’m also super excited he lost the mustache….though I fear it might make a reappearance.
So needless to say I loved The Crown of Embers just as much as The Girl of Fire and Thorns. You know, I saw this series around but it was never one that people were like “Omg, You have to read this!” And that makes me sad. So far this series is perfection and if you like Fantasy even a little bit, it’s a must read!
You can find more of my reviews at <a href="http//" target="_blank">Endless-Reads.Net</a>!
I enjoyed the first book in this series, The Girl of Fire and Thorns, and of course, I can't help but compare the sequel, The Crown of Embers, to it. It lacks a bit by comparison, and I think the biggest factor was the feeling of repetitiveness in CoE. For the first 50% of the book, Elisa escapes from one assassination attempt to another. I did enjoy the growth she's shown between the two books, and the strong, confident Queen we see in CoE is barely recognizable from the timid, girl in Girl of Fire and Thorns.
And I have to mention Hector... Hector, whom I adored in Girl, becomes whiny and manipulative in CoE. I think this personality switch was designed to show the depth of his feelings for Elisa, but it just didn't work for me. I hope to see a return of Hector's self-confidence in the final book of the trilogy.
I have not lost my enthusiasm for the series, despite some minor disappoints with this book, and I can't wait to read The Bitter Kingdom.
A fitting sequel to A Girl of Fire and Thorns I don't think it did better then its predecessor but it did on par. I think my biggest thing with this series for me is going to be that I am personally biased when it comes to the plot of the series and how it revolves around GOD. I know it is not fair to the series. I am highly intrigued with the story and everything; I read it very fast and it holds my attention.
The Plot in this one was faster pace and the stakes seem to have been raised. However as with the last book I think the third act of these books are heavily rushed. All of a sudden your expecting this big blow out or payoff to happen and nothing ever really comes of it. For example the ending of this book was so rushed that I never felt any real impact from the outcome.
Characters are another pro/con for me. Some characters are likeable and fleshed out and other characters are just blah. Elisa to me is the only one who is completely fleshed out. Obviously there is a reason for that, but I want to care more about the other characters. In book 2 we learn a little more about Mara and Hector but still nothing groundbreaking. Ximena is still as mysterious as ever. I want to see more character growth in the last book from other characters besides Elisa.
Lastly I want to talk about world building. Now world building is one of my favorite aspects in books. I love the feeling of getting completely immersed in new worlds because it is a total escape from reality. I want a little more from the world. I feel like all we've seen is desert and more desert.
I am ready to see how this all wraps up in book 3.

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