Knight of the Purple Ribbon Baron de Graffenried Colonial Adventures eBook Jennifer Leigh Wells

Knight of the Purple Ribbon Baron de Graffenried Colonial Adventures eBook Jennifer Leigh Wells
A look at life in the early North Carolina, this book is based on solid research. The story of Baron Christoph de Graffenried and his struggles with the founding of New Bern with Swiss German settlers is all the more intriguing because the hero is the author's illustrious ancestor. The formal writing style is perfectly suited to the time period portrayed. The Baron was a true Renaissance man, being ahead of his time in his dealing with the Native Americans and the ordinary folks who set out for the New World. But he is not perfect, having had a hand in a romantic scandal. The colonists have setbacks that those of us living today would find hard to survive. A clash of heroes and villains is inevitable. The book is a reminder of the courage of those who came before us. A must read for those interested in the local history tales of North Carolina.
Tags : Buy Knight of the Purple Ribbon: Baron de Graffenried's Colonial Adventures: Read 6 Kindle Store Reviews -,ebook,Jennifer Leigh Wells,Knight of the Purple Ribbon: Baron de Graffenried's Colonial Adventures,Biography & Autobiography Adventurers & Explorers,Fiction Historical
Knight of the Purple Ribbon Baron de Graffenried Colonial Adventures eBook Jennifer Leigh Wells Reviews
Jennifer Leigh Wells transports the reader from Bern, Switzerland to London, England, then to the wilds of North Carolina in 1710, as her Swiss ancestor Baron Christoph de Gaffenried begins a new life in the New World.
The firstborn son of a family with royal blood, he was expected to become a statesman and run the family estate. However,his gambling and rakish ways convinced his father to name Christoph's younger brother as heir apparent.
"I don't know what I'm going to do..." Christoph states,"...(but) I'm going to be my own man."
Hearing of opportunities in Virginia and North Carolina,he travels to London. There,he finds financial backing from Queen Anne, who also bestows upon him the titles of Baron of Benberg and Knight of The Purple Ribbon.
He finds Germanic refugees in England who are willing to face the dangers of a long voyage to an unknown land. Soon, the ships sail for North Carolina.
Romance, adventure and survival in a strange land,complicated by political clashes and Indian unrest face the Baron and the settlers.
As the founder of New Bern, North Carolina, Christoph faces his responsiblities as a kind, honest and fearless leader.
Wells based this novel on the Baron's memoir "Relation of My American Project."
This book made history fun and interesting. It's amazing all the first settler's went through, to start up a town in the early days of the United States. Especially in the Baron Christoph and his young wife Jane, both being raised in wealthy, high class families. It's exciting to hear about all they went through to survive, and to help all the settler's in New Bern.
I was lucky enough to have the audio book format. Which is great for me, because of health issues. It is also good for people who don't think they have time to sit down and read a book. Also nice to listen to while commuting.
I didn't really like the narrator's voice, it was sometimes monotone. For the most part the book was interesting.
Knight of the Purple Ribbon is a character-driven historical novel following the fortunes of Christoph, an unhappy, eldest son of the Swiss Baron von Graffenreid. In his 40s, he has spent his entire life following his domineering father's wishes/commands, putting his own desires and ambitions to one side, yet still never living up to expectations.
When he is disinherited at a family gathering, he decides to become his own man, forgoing his father's generous allowance and setting sail to America to make his own life and fortune. He picks up a new wife on the way, then overcomes a multitude of challenges to establish New Bern in North Carolina.
This is a well-researched and detailed portrait of a tumultuous time in history , and the author has cleverly reflected the writing style of the Eighteenth Century, lending authenticity to a tale that is based on fact. This era and the emigration of a wide variety of people to the New World is something that fascinates me, and I enjoyed looking at it from the Switzer/German Protestant viewpoint; even more so as it is based on the author's ancestral history and she is right to be so proud of him.
Poorly written and historically inaccurate in the extreme. Waste of time and money. I have NO interest in "historic" fiction that takes such liberties with facts.
Maybe it is strictly vanity, but i loved it. You see I am a descendant of the Baron. I'm giving the book to all my nieces and nephews.
A look at life in the early North Carolina, this book is based on solid research. The story of Baron Christoph de Graffenried and his struggles with the founding of New Bern with Swiss German settlers is all the more intriguing because the hero is the author's illustrious ancestor. The formal writing style is perfectly suited to the time period portrayed. The Baron was a true Renaissance man, being ahead of his time in his dealing with the Native Americans and the ordinary folks who set out for the New World. But he is not perfect, having had a hand in a romantic scandal. The colonists have setbacks that those of us living today would find hard to survive. A clash of heroes and villains is inevitable. The book is a reminder of the courage of those who came before us. A must read for those interested in the local history tales of North Carolina.

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