History of Warfare Warfare in the Seventeenth Century John Childs 9780304352890 Books

History of Warfare Warfare in the Seventeenth Century John Childs 9780304352890 Books
Great info.... although it is a book about war across a whole century and therefore convoluted and very broad....i would liked to see them focus down and concentrate on one or two really interesting battles, a little more in depth. But other than that, a great concise little read for people trying to get a handle on the depressing, disease ridden, battles of religion and attrition that made up the 17th century.
Tags : History of Warfare: Warfare in the Seventeenth Century [John Childs] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <div>During the 17th century, technological evolutions in fortifications and arms meant that wars grew longer,John Childs,History of Warfare: Warfare in the Seventeenth Century,Cassell,0304352896,USA,Europe;History, Military;17th century.,Military art and science;Europe;History;17th century.,Military history, Modern;17th century.,17th century,Europe,History,History - Military War,History Modern 17th Century,History: American,Military - General,Military Science,Military art and science,Military history, Modern,Modern - 17th Century,Warfare & defence
History of Warfare Warfare in the Seventeenth Century John Childs 9780304352890 Books Reviews
First, I must admit that I have not read much about warfare in the 17th Century, other than some articles in Military History magazine. Therefore, I expected to learn a lot from this book. I was not disappointed, although I found some sections difficult to follow.
Overall, the book is excellent. The author's research is thorough, his writing detailed, and conclusions well founded. His main thesis of the book is that warfare in the 17th century was not revolutionay, but evolutionary. He provides ample evidence to support this point. He describes the technological advances that changed tactics and techniques on the 17th century battlefield, and also highlights crucial war, battles, and sieges that occurred in this era.
All of this makes for some fascinating reading, and the illustrations (maps, diagrams, images, pictures, etc) are excellent. My one main issue with the book is that it is hard to follow during certain sections. I think that the author assumes that the reader possesses both a decent knowledge of the events of the 17th century, and of European geography when he describes certain events. For instance, in the section about the wars of Louis the XIV of France, the author describes battles that occur all throughout Europe within the span of a few pages. I found myself flipping back to the reference section of the book, and maps to try and keep track of battlefield locations, and the key leaders involved.
Therefore, I do not know if this is the best book, if you are new to this era of warfare, like I am. Otherwise, I recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more about this "evolutionary" period of warfare in history.
At last a great work that try to write the truth of the Pike and Shot era, The seventeenth century for a lot of historian was the beginning for the modern warfare and the innovations of the famous Gustavus Adolphus were nothing new, but thanks to John Childs we now can read the history as it should be understanding that this century changes were evolutionary, not revolutionary.
All the conflicts are study with maps and illustrations, Thirty Years War, English Civil War(Cassell have a volume only for the English Civil War by Bob Carruthers and Stuart Reid which I also recommend) Franco-Spanish War to the Wars of Louis XIV, a great chapter about the Conduct of War 1650-1700, the Famous Rise of the Standing army and all the aspect of this Wars that make Europe seen so much bloodshed.
The Majors conflicts are study and this book will help you as a good introduction to some difficult theme like The Thirty Years War started as a religious war but eventually evolved into a political struggle between the Hapsburgs of the Holy Roman Empire and the Bourbon dynasty of France. Embroiled in this conflict were Austria, German Catholic princes, and Spain against France, Sweden, Denmark, and German Protestant princes.
Maps of the famous Siege of Breda(Arturo Perez Reverte have a great Novel from this siege, is fiction but would also help you understand the conduct of the soldiers in the beginning of the The Thirty Years War, "EL SOL DE BREDA") to some great battles like the Rocroi were the Spanish Tercios lost their reputation of the best Infantry of Europe(they were the best on their time)and as I say before with the help Paintings of some battles this is a Book for all the Historian to the re-enactors.Well this is a unique book, I like it and recommend it.
Nice pictures from the era, but this is mainly a listing of the many wars with very little meat on the bone. It was terribly boring, and I love European history! Other books in this series are far better, especially Renaissance at War.
Concise, well-balanced, and to the point. Truly an excellent summary of century that was consumed by martial affairs in Western and Eastern Europe!
Quite excellent! Tackles the subject from a myriad of angles political, technological, military, economic, and cultural, to name a few. Very good resource for a relatively, not too popular time period that was crucial for understanding the evolution in military affairs between the early Renaissance and the dawn of 18th century warfare. I would highly recommend this book as both a primer and moderate depth exposition on the subject. Excellent for the historian, lay or professional, and war game designers.
This lavishly illustrated book provides a nice overview of the complex series of wars that comprised the 17th Century. The book briefly covers the 30 Years War, the English Civil Wars, and the wars of mid-century, as well as the wars of Louis XIV. There is even a chapter that discusses the wars outside europe. The pictures and maps are really what make this book nice. The text is concise and to the point. The only drawback here might be the often cursory attention paid to some topics. To cover an entire century of complex warfare in one slender volume is bound to leave many gaps. Still, the reader will find a nice introuction to this period, and can use this book as a stepping stone to move on elsewhere in readings.
Great info.... although it is a book about war across a whole century and therefore convoluted and very broad....i would liked to see them focus down and concentrate on one or two really interesting battles, a little more in depth. But other than that, a great concise little read for people trying to get a handle on the depressing, disease ridden, battles of religion and attrition that made up the 17th century.

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